I am currently working on a software written in C++ that consists of 70+ projects in Visual Studio. I would like to increase the compiler waning level for all projects without clicking through 70+ project property dialogs to set the new value for the compiler warning level.
Is there any way to quickly set the compiler warning level for all projects in a Visual Studio solution?
Select all projects, then click on properties. It will open properties page. Here select "All Configurations" and "All Platforms". Then set appropriate warning levels, which will apply to all projects/configurations/platforms.
You may de-select any config/platform, and apply the warning level for all projects. Consider hitting "Configuration Manager..." button on right.
If you are willing to edit the .VCXProj
- do that! It will be fastest, but please backup all of them.
Another approach is to have a common header file, and place:
#pragma warning(error:<warning-number>)
This allows you to have more finer control to all warnings. But, you'd need to write almost all of them in header. But, you can configure for different builds.