I'm trying to read a INI file then dump the values into the registry for a setup application to function.
The INI file looks like this
[Setup Components]
Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere Client=Yes
Borland Database Engine=Yes
BDERoot=c:\Program Files\Borland\BDE
Program Shortcuts=Yes
ODBC Data Service Name=Yes
Local Client = Yes
Sybase Admin = Yes
Sybase Directory= C:\Program Files\SQL Anywhere 16
Word Link=Yes
Installation Root Folder=c:\program
[Program Shortcuts]
Start Menu=Yes
Program Title=PROGRAM
EXE Pathname=c:\program.exe
Starting Directory=c:\
[ODBC Data Service Name]
Data Service Name=DBNAME
Database File Name=c:\database\database.db
Database Name=DBNAME
Server Name=ENGINE
Comm Links=TCPIP{}
Display Name=SQL Anywhere - DBNAME
Service Group=SQLANYServer
Params=-n DBNAME -x TCPIP{} "C:\database\database.db" -n DBNAME
So I need all those items to be dumped into the registry easily.
I'm using Visual Studio 2015, I did attempt to use Ludvik Jerabek's INI reader (http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/21896/INI-Reader-Writer-Class-for-C-VB-NET-and-VBScript) but had no luck getting that to function!
The code i did use for the above was the following:
Dim ini = New IniFile()
Dim readValue = ini.Sections("Service").Keys("Service Name")
When running this code i got the following error : "Conversion from string "Service" to type "Integer" is not valid. -Also this method means naming each and every key in the INI file which would be quite some task!
I then went down another method after reading some help questions on here and i used the following:
Private Declare Auto Function GetPrivateProfileString Lib "kernel32" (ByVal lpAppName As String,
ByVal lpKeyName As String,
ByVal lpDefault As String,
ByVal lpReturnedString As StringBuilder,
ByVal nSize As Integer,
ByVal lpFileName As String) As Integer
Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim sb As StringBuilder
sb = New StringBuilder(500)
Dim readVal = GetPrivateProfileString("Service", "Service Name", "", sb, sb.Capacity, "setup.ini")
End Sub
However this just returns "0"
Any help would be grateful to find a way to get this reading from the INI and dumping to the registry
Using the given IniFile class, this will get you to the config setting values:
Private Sub INIButtonTest_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles INIButtonTest.Click
Dim iniFilePath As String = "H:\Dev\StackOverflow\StackOverflowTest\StackOverflowApp\bin\Debug\test.ini"
Dim myIniFile As New IniFile
Dim myValue As String = getIniValue(myIniFile, "Service", "Service Name")
If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(myValue) Then
MessageBox.Show(String.Format("Found value: [{0}]", myValue))
End If
Catch ex As Exception
MessageBox.Show(String.Concat("Something went wrong:", ex.Message))
End Try
End Sub
Private Function getIniValue(iniFileInstance As IniFile, sectionName As String, sectionKey As String) As String
Dim myValue As String = String.Empty
For Each sect As IniFile.IniSection In iniFileInstance.Sections
If sect.Name = sectionName Then
For Each key As IniFile.IniSection.IniKey In sect.Keys
If key.Name = sectionKey Then
myValue = key.GetValue
Exit For
End If
Exit For
End If
Return myValue
End Function