I have a problem that I cannot pass an object to a component from a selector. I don't know if this is even possible.
So what I want is to have a select dropdown with objects fetched from a rest service. Then on select I want to set the object inside the component where I loaded the selector.
<div class="col-md-12">
<div class="col-md-4">
<game-selector [customers]="customers" [(selected)]="selectedGameSize" (select)="onItemSelected($event)"></game-selector>
<div class="col-md-12" [gameSize]="selectedGameSize">
<div class="col-md-4" *ngIf="gameSize">
{{gameSize | json}}
ts file:
selector: 'fleet',
templateUrl: 'app/fleet/fleet.html',
directives: [CORE_DIRECTIVES, ROUTER_DIRECTIVES, GameSizeSelector, FactionSelector]
export class FleetComponent {
@Output() select = new EventEmitter();
selectedGameSize: GameSize;
constructor() { }
@Input() gameSize: GameSize;
onItemSelected(selectedItem: GameSize){
if (this.gameSize == null) {
} else {
console.log("onItemSelected(" + this.gameSize.name + ")");
then i have the selector like this:
selector: 'game-selector',
templateUrl: 'app/selector/gameSelector.html',
providers: [GameSizeService]
export class GameSizeSelector implements OnInit {
@Output() select: EventEmitter<GameSize> = new EventEmitter();
@Input() games: GameSize[] = [];
@Output() gameSize: GameSize;
@Input() selected: GameSize;
private gameService: GameSizeService) {};
getGames() {
.then(games => this.games = games);
if (this.games == null) {
} else {
and the selector.html
<select (change)="select.next(g)">
<option *ngFor="let g of games" ngValue="g">
I tried a lot of stuff but mostly I get the value in this case {{g.name}} oder "[object Object]" as output.
But I want the whole object to be passed to the component.
Any ideas how to get this done?
Kind regards
probably doesn't do what you expect. It creates an attribute on <option>
with the value '"g"'. To make Angular process it it needs []
or {{}}
(string only).
I'm pretty sure you also need to use [(ngModel)]
or (ngModelChange)
to get the selected value.
<select [ngModel]="someProp" (ngModelChange)="select.next($event)">
<option *ngFor="let g of games" [ngValue]="g">
can be omitted. This is only to assign an initial value.