In my Symfony form I have a choiceType field listing categories. My categorie table looks like this:
id code categorie
1 100 First categorie
2 200 Second categorie
3 210 Second subcategorie
In my form I have a selectfield and with 'choice_label' I can decide which column, either 'code' or 'categorie' to use for the select list. I would like to use both so the user has a selectlist showing:
Is it possible to join the 2 columns for the choice_label; Concatenate the 2 columns in a string just for the purpose of the selectoptions to show? I have tried to find it here and elsewhere. The official docs do not mention this option.
Even in ChoiceType for choice_label you can use callable to set it link
'choice_label' => function($category, $key, $index) {
/** @var Category $category */
return $category->getId() . ' ' . $category->getName();
But why do you use ChoiceType for you categories, how do you going to set choices? Why don't you use EntityType?
->add('category', EntityType::class, array(
'choice_label' => function ($category) {
return $category->getId() . ' ' . $category->getName();
'class' => 'AppBundle:Category',
'query_builder' => function (EntityRepository $er) {
return $er->createQueryBuilder('c')
->orderBy('', 'ASC');