I am trying to reconstruct the image using fewer observations than the dimensions of the signal(compressed sensing). I am trying to run the following piece of code -
A = imread('cameraman.png');
x_i = 37;
y_i = 95;
s = 35;
A = A([x_i:x_i+s],[y_i:y_i+s]);
x = double(A(:));
Phi=randn(m,n); %Measurment Matrix
Psi=dftmtx(n); %sensing Matrix( or can be dct(eye(n)) )
y=Phi*x; %compressed signal
%Initial Guess: y=Theta*s => s=Theta\y
s1=l1qc_logbarrier(s2, Theta,[], y, 1e-1, 1e-1);
figure,imshow(reshape(x1,size(A)), [0 256] ),xlabel('OMP')
However on running the code I get the following error.
Error using linsolve
Matrix must be positive definite.
Error in l1qc_newton (line 92)
[dx,hcond] = linsolve(H11p, w1p, opts);
Error in l1qc_logbarrier (line 104)
[xp, up, ntiter] = l1qc_newton(x, u, A, At, b, epsilon, tau, newtontol,
newtonmaxiter, cgtol, cgmaxiter);
Error in cs_image2 (line 23)
s1=l1qc_logbarrier(s2, Theta,[], y, 1e-1, 1e-1);
The above piece of code recovers the solution when the sensing matrix is the dct matrix instead of dft matrix. Could someone point me to where the error lies? Is it a problem inherent to l1-magic? Will using a different solver work for me?
Note: l1qc_logbarrier is a function from the library l1 magic. http://users.ece.gatech.edu/justin/l1magic/index.html
l1qc_logbarrier solves -
The error seems to have come because of using the dftmtx which outputs a matrix whose elements are complex numbers and l1-magic doesn't work for that case. The problem I was trying to solve is l1-minimization -
Here is complex. So l1-magic fails. To get over it, I made the following adjustments. Let
, where R is the real and C the imaginary part of
and similarly, let
. This gives,
We know that b is real, therefore,
Merging the 2 constraints, we get,
This gives us a single real constraint of the form which can be solved using l1-magic.