Is there a way to use the Ansible Python API to get a list of hosts from a given inventory file / group combination?
For example, our inventory files are split up by service type:
Can I use ansible.inventory
in some way to pass in a specific inventory file, and the group I want to act on, and have it return a list of hosts that match?
I was struggling with this as well for awhile, but found a solution through trial & error.
One of the key advantages to the API is that you can pull variables and metadata, not just hostnames.
Starting from Python API - Ansible Documentation:
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Ansible: initialize needed objects
variable_manager = VariableManager()
loader = DataLoader()
# Ansible: Load inventory
inventory = Inventory(
loader = loader,
variable_manager = variable_manager,
host_list = 'hosts', # Substitute your filename here
This gives you an Inventory instance, which has methods and properties to provide groups and hosts.
To expand further (and provide examples of Group and Host classes), here's a snippet I wrote which serializes the inventory as a list of groups, with each group having a 'hosts' attribute that is a list of each host's attributes.
#/usr/bin/env python
def serialize(inventory):
if not isinstance(inventory, Inventory):
return dict()
data = list()
for group in inventory.get_groups():
if group != 'all':
group_data = inventory.get_group(group).serialize()
# Seed host data for group
host_data = list()
for host in inventory.get_group(group).hosts:
group_data['hosts'] = host_data
return data
# Continuing from above
serialized_inventory = serialize(inventory)
I ran this against my lab of four F5 BIG-IP's, and this is the result (trimmed):
<!-- language: lang-json -->
[{'depth': 1,
'hosts': [{'address': u'bigip-ve-03',
'name': u'bigip-ve-03',
'uuid': UUID('b5e2180b-964f-41d9-9f5a-08a0d7dd133c'),
'vars': {u'hostname': u'bigip-ve-03.local',
u'ip': u''}}],
'name': 'ungrouped',
'vars': {}},
{'depth': 1,
'hosts': [{'address': u'bigip-ve-01',
'name': u'bigip-ve-01',
'uuid': UUID('3d7daa57-9d98-4fa6-afe1-5f1e03db4107'),
'vars': {u'hostname': u'bigip-ve-01.local',
u'ip': u''}},
{'address': u'bigip-ve-02',
'name': u'bigip-ve-02',
'uuid': UUID('72f35cd8-6f9b-4c11-b4e0-5dc5ece30007'),
'vars': {u'hostname': u'bigip-ve-02.local',
u'ip': u''}},
{'address': u'bigip-ve-04',
'name': u'bigip-ve-04',
'uuid': UUID('255526d0-087e-44ae-85b1-4ce9192e03c1'),
'vars': {}}],
'name': u'bigip',
'vars': {u'password': u'admin', u'username': u'admin'}}]