
0% coverage with bullseye

I am trying to generate bullseye coverage report after doing blackbox testing. We have an appliance on which we do black box testing, however there is no way to compile libraries on that, so I am following below steps to generate report.

However I am getting 0% report. There is no change in coverage file, it's not getting updated.

  1. compile all libs with bullseye
  2. copy and replace original libs on appliance with this bullseye libs
  3. copy cov file, and make sure ithas proper rights (i.e. chmod 777cov_file.cov)
  4. export path in /etc/environment, also created sh file in /etc/profile.d and set path in it.
  5. run black box tests.
  6. copy cov file to dev machine and generate report.


  • I solved the above problem by setting the environment variable from one of the demon file.

    The possible reason it was not working is, I was setting environment variable in profile which requires shell, however my automation was not using shell.