When ever the mirc radio bot announces the song playing and the ammount of listeners a stray html and body tag show up as seen below.
The code for the radio bot is as follows
#announcer on
ctcp *:*:*:{
if ($1 == SRstats) {
set %sctat.chan $chan
sockclose scstat
sockopen scstat 8132
on *:SOCKOPEN:scstat:{
sockwrite -n $sockname GET /7.html HTTP/1.0
sockwrite -n $sockname User-Agent: Mozilla
sockwrite -n $sockname $crlf
on *:sockread:scstat:{
if ($sockerr > 0) return
sockread -f %scasttemp
if ($sockbr == 0) return
if (%scasttemp == $null) %scasttemp = empty
set %scasttemp $remove(%scasttemp,<html><head><meta http-equiv="Pragma" content="no-cache"></head><body>,</body></html>)
if ((HTTP/1.* !iswm %scasttemp) && (content-type* !iswm %scasttemp) && (%scasttemp != empty)) {
set %scstat.song.temp $gettok(%scasttemp,7-,44)
set %scstat.bitrate $gettok(%scasttemp,6,44)
set %scstat.listeners $gettok(%scasttemp,1,44)
set %scstat.maxlist $gettok(%scasttemp,4,44)
set %scstat.peak $gettok(%scasttemp,3,44)
if ($gettok(%scasttemp,2,44) == 1) set %scstat.livedj connected
else set %scstat.livedj not connected
; changing some of the html codes back to regular characters
set %scast.song $replace(%scast.song,&,$chr(38),',$chr(39))
goto nextread
on *:sockclose:scstat:{
if (( %scstat.song.temp == %scstat.song ) || ( %scstat.song.temp == Line Recording )) { goto scstat.end }
else {
set %scstat.song %scstat.song.temp
set %song.msg 6,0 $+ %dj_nick is playing 6 : 12 %scstat.song $+ . 0,1 Tune into Radio-Airwaves, type !radiohelp/4 %scstat.listeners $+ --listeners are tuned in.
; set %chans $chan(0)
; while %chans {
/scid -a msg #Radio-Airwaves-Lounge %song.msg
; dec %chans
; }
on *:TEXT:!playing:#: msg $chan %song.msg
#announcer end
I thought the first fix should be changing the , between the body tags to html number code but that just displayed the number code and not the actually comma. I also maybe there were mismatched tags/stray tags so I check for that. I didn't find any. I've yet to see the cause of the stray tags appearing when the accouner is on. Any help would be greatly appericated.
The line your trying to extract the information from, <html><body>
at the start and end of the retrieved text.
You can solve this by setting %scasttemp
using several techniques.
alias nohtml { var %x,%y = $regsub($1-,/(<[^>]+>)/g,$null,%x) | return %x }
Additionally, when handling sockread
i would use Tokenize
to handle $1.. identifier instead of tokens.
if (!$sockbr || !%scasttemp) {
tokenize 32 $nohtml(%scasttemp)
;;; Comment out the below line if you still want to use the old variable, otherwise you should change the rest of the code.
;;;set %scasttemp $1-
;;; Identify the data we wish to extract the information, else return.
if ($numtok($1-, 44) < 7) {
;;; Rest of the code here..
Sending to server header request suggesting to close the connection after the information received is a good practice.
sockwrite -n $sockname Connection: close
Also adding the sockclose
after all information received is a good convention instead of letting the sockets to hang around. (If Connection: close
was not requested)
goto nextread
sockclose $sockname