I'm building a library in sinatra, using postresql as database and a 'googlebooks' gem to find the informations I want.
This is my code in main.rb
get '/list' do
@books = GoogleBooks.search(params[:title])
erb :list
get '/info/:isbn' do
#this is to get the info from my database if there is any
if book = Book.find_by(isbn: params[:isbn])
@book_title = book.title
@book_authors = book.author
@book_year = book.year
@book_page_count = book.page_count
@book_id = book.id
@book_isbn = book.isbn
#use the gem to look for the data
text = GoogleBooks.search(params[:isbn])
@book_title = text.title
@book_author = text.authors
@book_year = text.published_date
@book_cover = text.image_link(:zoom => 2)
@book_page_count = text.page_count
@book_notes = text.description
#and then store it into the database
book = Book.new
book.title = @book_title
book.authors = @book_authors
book.publish_date = @book_year
book.image_link = @book_cover
book.page_count = @book_page_count
book.description = @book_notes
book.isbn = params[:isbn]
@book_id = book.id
erb :info
This is my erb file :list
<div class='list_by_title'>
<% @books.each do |text| %>
<li class='list_by_title'>
<a href="/info/<%= text.isbn_10 %>"><%= text.title %> (Authour: <%= text.authors %>)</a>
The list part works.. I'm able to have a page with a list of titles... the problem is when I try to call the data from the params isbn, I always have this error:
NoMethodError at /info/0596554877
undefined method `title' for #<GoogleBooks::Response:0x007ff07a430e28>
Any idea for a possible solution?
As per documentation, GoogleBooks::Response
is an enumerator. So you need to iterate over it by using each
, and invoke the title
method on individual objects retrieved from enumerator.
result = GoogleBooks.search(params[:isbn])
result.each do |text|
@book_title = text.title
Variable name text
for details about a book is not a good name, you need to pick apt variable names, many a times good variable names makes debugging easier