
How to place content type settings in Orchard CMS Admin?

I recently updated Orchard to 1.10.1 and there seems to be a placement issue with some content type part settings:

Drop down with Html above Html flavor settings

Drop down with Html below Html flavor settings

How can i adjust the placement in a way that my settings (Html flavor settings) will be displayed below the drop down again?

I tried to use shape tracing to create a file but to no avail.


  • I had to find another way to enforce the ordering as the solution of mdameer does not work and i came up with a simple jQuery solution

    $(document).ready(function () {
        // get fieldset with my settings
        var $HtmlFlavorSettings = $(".html-flavor-settings");
        // get flavour drop down
        var $flavorSelection = $HtmlFlavorSettings.closest("form").find("[name$=\"BodyTypePartSettings.Flavor\"]");
        if ($flavorSelection.length > 0)
            // place fieldset with my settings after fieldset with flavour drop down