I have a simple named pipe server implemented in python+ctypes:
pipe = windll.kernel32.CreateNamedPipeA('\\\\.\\pipe\\pipe_name', PIPE_ACCESS_DUPLEX | FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED, PIPE_TYPE_BYTE, 1, 0, 0, 0, None)
overlapped_struct = OVERLAPPED()
windll.kernel32.ConnectNamedPipe(pipe, byref(overlapped_struct))
iocp = windll.kernel32.CreateIoCompletionPort(pipe, None, WPARAM(707070707), 0)
while True:
bytes_transferred = DWORD()
completion_key = WPARAM()
overlapped_struct_ptr = POINTER(OVERLAPPED)()
windll.kernel32.GetQueuedCompletionStatus(iocp, byref(bytes_transferred), byref(completion_key), byref(overlapped_struct_ptr), INFINITE)
bytes_available = DWORD()
windll.kernel32.PeekNamedPipe(pipe, None, 0, None, byref(bytes_available))
buf = create_string_buffer(bytes_available.value)
ret_code = windll.kernel32.ReadFile(pipe, byref(buf), bytes_available.value, None, overlapped_struct_ptr)
It receives data from external program. I expect that GetQueuedCompletionStatus
will return only when something arrives to the pipe, but it's not always the case. Sometimes, after it dequeues completion packet, I can see that bytes_available == 0
, ret_code == 0
and overlapped_struct.Internal == 256
(which I assume means ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS).
Any ideas on why does it happen?
I figured it out. A completion packet is queued after any operation on a pipe. It means that GetQueuedCompletionStatus
will return after client connection, write and read operation.
What was happening in my situation:
returned 0 and overlapped_struct.Internal
indicated ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS, which is perfectly correct: there was no new data in the pipe.