
How to convert json array into Postgres int array

I have a scenario where I need to convert a json array into a Postgres int array and query it for the result. Below is my table:

id data
1 {"bookIds" : [1,2,3,5], "storeIds": [2,3]}
2 {"bookIds" : [4,5,6,7], "storeIds": [1,3]}
3 {"bookIds" : [11,12,10,9], "storeIds": [4,3]}

I want to convert booksId array into int array and later query it. Is it possible in Postgres 9.3? I know 9.4 + provides much more JSON support but I can't update my db at the moment.

The below query gives me an error:

Select data::json->>'bookIds' :: int[] from table
ERROR:  malformed array literal: "bookIds"
LINE 1: Select data::json->>'bookIds' :: int[] from table

Is it possible to query elements inside json array in Postgres 9.3?


  • The setup in the question should look like this:

    create table a_table (id int, data json);
    insert into a_table values
    (1, '{"bookIds": [1,2,3,5], "storeIds": [2,3]}'), 
    (2, '{"bookIds": [4,5,6,7], "storeIds": [1,3]}'),
    (3, '{"bookIds": [11,12,10,9], "storeIds": [4,3]}');

    Note the proper syntax of json values.

    You can use the function json_array_elements()

    select id, array_agg(book_id::text::int) as book_ids
    from a_table
    cross join json_array_elements(data->'bookIds') a(book_id)
    group by 1
    order by 1;
     id |   book_ids
      1 | {1,2,3,5}
      2 | {4,5,6,7}
      3 | {11,12,10,9}
    (3 rows)    

    Use any() to search for an element in the arrays, e.g.:

    select *
    from (
        select id, array_agg(book_id::text::int) as book_ids
        from a_table
        cross join json_array_elements(data->'bookIds') a(book_id)
        group by 1
        ) s
        1 = any(book_ids) or
        11 = any(book_ids);
     id |   book_ids
      1 | {1,2,3,5}
      3 | {11,12,10,9}
    (2 rows)

    Read also about <@ operator.

    You can also search in json array (without converting it to int array) by examine its elements, e.g.:

    select t.*
    from a_table t
    cross join json_array_elements(data->'bookIds') a(book_id)
    where book_id::text::int in (1, 11);
     id |                     data                      
      1 | {"bookIds" : [1,2,3,5], "storeIds": [2,3]}
      3 | {"bookIds" : [11,12,10,9], "storeIds": [4,3]}
    (2 rows)

    Generic functions

    You might want to have generic tools for conversion from JSON arrays. Use the function to convert a JSON array of arbitrary strings:

    create or replace function jsonb_text_array(jsonb)
    returns text[] language sql immutable as $$
        select array(select jsonb_array_elements_text($1));

    The resulting array is text[] that can be cast to int[]. However, when dealing specifically with integer arrays, this function should be significantly faster:

    create or replace function jsonb_integer_array(jsonb)
    returns integer[] language sql immutable as $$
        select translate($1::text, '[]', '{}')::integer[];
    select id, jsonb_integer_array(data::jsonb->'bookIds') as book_ids
    from a_table;
     id |   book_ids
      1 | {1,2,3,5}
      2 | {4,5,6,7}
      3 | {11,12,10,9}
    (3 rows)

    Note that JSONB has been available since Postgres 9.4.