How do I go about configuring options for a nested plugin in gulp? I have a gulp task that uses gulp-inline to inline any css and js.
gulp-inline has options to set a css processor
gulp.task('html', function () {
gulp.src(source + '**/*.+(html|php)')
base: source,
js: $.uglify,
css: $.cleanCss,
disabledTypes: ['svg', 'img']
Ideally when running the task I'd like to declare config options for the css and js
gulp.task('html', function () {
gulp.src(source + '**/*.+(html|php)')
base: source,
js: $.uglify,
css: $.cleanCss({
keepBreaks: false,
advanced: false,
keepSpecialComments: '*',
aggressiveMerging: false
disabledTypes: ['svg', 'img']
Simply pass a function that returns the cleanCss
gulp.task('html', function () {
gulp.src(source + '**/*.+(html|php)')
base: source,
js: $.uglify,
css: function() {
return $.cleanCss({ /* options */ });
disabledTypes: ['svg', 'img']