I have the following code for my IOS implementation, the problem is that the WroteCharacteristicValue event is never fired. Is is being fired on the android side when I connect to the same module. Any ideas what to do?
public void StartUpdates ()
// TODO: should be bool RequestValue? compare iOS API for commonality
bool successful = false;
if(CanRead) {
Console.WriteLine ("** Characteristic.RequestValue, PropertyType = Read, requesting read");
_parentDevice.UpdatedCharacterteristicValue += UpdatedRead;
_parentDevice.ReadValue (_nativeCharacteristic);
successful = true;
if (CanUpdate) {
Console.WriteLine ("** Characteristic.RequestValue, PropertyType = Notify, requesting updates");
_parentDevice.UpdatedCharacterteristicValue += UpdatedNotify;
_parentDevice.WroteCharacteristicValue += Wrote; // -DP here??
_parentDevice.SetNotifyValue (true, _nativeCharacteristic);
successful = true;
Console.WriteLine ("** RequestValue, Succesful: " + successful.ToString());
void Wrote(object sender, CBCharacteristicEventArgs e) {
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Characteristic Write Complete!");
this.WriteComplete (this, new CharacteristicReadEventArgs () {
Characteristic = new Characteristic(e.Characteristic, _parentDevice)
The WroteCharacteristic
will only fire if the characteristic writes with response.
You can check it with:
var prop = _nativeCharacteristic.Properties;
// Event can be used
else if(prop.HasFlag(CBCharacteristicProperties.WriteWithoutResponse))
// Event will not fire if WriteWithoutResponse
Btw: we provide a plugin for BLE, so you don't have to care about platform sepcific stuff ;) http://smstuebe.de/2016/05/13/blev1.0/