
PowerShell - how to capture filepath names, including long filepath names with this code + AlphaFS

This question is an extension of PowerShell - searching for existing files generates empty output.

I'm having trouble capturing long file path names with AlphaFS. I've looked at related AlphaFS questions but I can't see how they address my issue: The code below is intended to capture files in a $source directory into a .csv, including those with paths that are longer than 260 characters. However, the output I get in TestFileLocations.csv consists of 1 line that reads


followed by 125060 lines that read


PS Code

$searchFiles = Import-CSV 'C:\Data\SCRIPTS\PS1\TestFindFile.csv' -Header ("Name")
$source = 'C:\Data\Scripts'
$outputPath = 'c:\data\scripts\ps1\TestFileLocation.csv'

    $searchFiles |  ForEach-Object {
        $files = [Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.Directory]::EnumerateFileSystemEntries($source,'*',[System.IO.SearchOption]::AllDirectories) 
        $files | ForEach-Object { [PSCustomObject] @{FileName = $_} }
    } | export-csv -notypeinformation -delimiter '|' -path $outputPath

My TestFindFile.csv contains only 4 lines pertaining to 3 existing files that should be found by the code. The last file has 262 characters:


I'm on Windows 7. Any pointers would be appreciated.


  • I wrapped Alphafs into a PS module which you can find on the PowerShell Gallery here.

    Since it is a module I cannot post the whole code but can include a link from where you can download it.


    Once you have the module you can do something like this :

     Get-LongChildItem -path yourpath | export-csv output.csv -notype