There is query that contains optional("should" clauses) mandatory and prohibited tokens. The following two queries returns different results. But should be same, not?
+_query_:"{!type=**dismax** mm='2<2 3<3 5<4 7<51%' qf='normalizedField'} opt1 opt2 +mandatory -prohibited"
+_query_:"{!type=**edismax** mm='2<2 3<3 5<4 7<51%' qf='normalizedField'} opt1 opt2 +mandatory -prohibited"
With Minimum "Should" Match parameter:
mm: "2<2 3<3 5<4 7<51%"
Any ideas? Thanks
Updated There is document in solr index:
"normalizedField":"opt1 opt3 mandatory"
searching with dismax query:
+_query_:"{!type=dismax mm='2<2 3<3 5<4 7<51%' qf='normalizedField'} opt1 opt2 +mandatory -prohibited"
"parsedquery_toString":"+(((normalizedField:opt1) (normalizedField:opt2) +(normalizedField:mandatory) -(normalizedField:prohibited))~2) ()"
return empty result(as expected)
searching with edismax query:
+_query_:"{!type=edismax mm='2<2 3<3 5<4 7<51%' qf='normalizedField'} opt1 opt2 +mandatory -prohibited"
"parsedquery_toString": "+((normalizedField:opt1) (normalizedField:opt2) +(normalizedField:mandatory) -(normalizedField:prohibited))"
return this document. WHY?
seems i found solution. I USED 5.2 solr version with known issue( After upgrade to version 5.5.1 issue is resolved) and edismax works the same as dismax(for my example)