
how to copy AMI from one aws account to other aws account?

Am trying to copy the custom built ami using packer from one AWS account to another AWS account; however, i was able to copy ami across regions within one account.

"builders": [{ "account_id": "12345678910", "s3_bucket": "xyz/xqas/asd", "x509_cert_path": "/Users/txyz/packer/certificate.pem", "x509_key_path": "/Users/txyz/packer/private-key.pem", "type": "amazon-instance", "access_key": "{{useraccess_key}}", "secret_key": "{{usersecret_key}}", "region": "us-east-1", "source_ami": "ami-452bd728", "instance_type": "r3.xlarge", "ssh_username": "ubuntu", "ami_name": "packer-test-hvm {{timestamp}}", "ami_virtualization_type": "hvm", "force_deregister": true, "ami_regions": ["us-east-1", "us-west-2"] }],


  • Use AWS ClI and run the following command in the AMI that needs to be transferred

    ec2-modify-image-attribute ami-2bb65342 -l -a 111122223333 

    For other options that are available please refer this guide