After moving the project from a local machine to a production machine, I get the following error:
<b>Warning</b>: mkdir(): Permission denied in
<b>/var/www/html/findmynumber/api/v1/apache-log4php-2.3.0/src/main/php/appenders/LoggerAppenderFile.php</b> on line
<b>Warning</b>: log4php: [LoggerAppenderFile:myAppender]: Failed creating target directory [/var/wwww/html/findmynumber/api/v1/logs]. Closing appender. in
<b>/var/www/html/findmynumber/api/v1/apache-log4php-2.3.0/src/main/php/LoggerAppender.php</b> on line
The owner is www-data. Also the group is www-data. I even tried give full permissions(777) for the project folder but with no success.
The calls for log4php are:
include dirname(__FILE__) . "/apache-log4php-2.3.0/src/main/php/Logger.php";
Logger::configure(dirname(__FILE__) . '/apache-log4php-2.3.0/src/config.xml');
$log = Logger::getLogger('myLogger');
The config.xml looks like this:
<appender name="myAppender" class="LoggerAppenderFile">
<param name="file" value="/var/wwww/html/findmynumber/api/v1/logs/myLog.log"/>
<appender name="console" class="LoggerAppenderConsole"/>
<appender_ref ref="console"/>
<logger name="myLogger">
<level value="DEBUG"/>
<appender_ref ref="myAppender"/>
What am I missing here?
Bellow is the function were the error appears. It is taken from the log4php files, from LoggerAppenderFile.php:
protected function openFile() {
$file = $this->getTargetFile();
echo $file . "\n";
$curr = !is_file($file);
echo "curr is: " . $curr . "\n";
echo is_file($file) . "\n" ;
echo dirname($file) . "\n";
// Create the target folder if needed
if(!is_file($file)) {
$dir = dirname($file);
if(!is_dir($dir)) {
$success = mkdir($dir, 0777, true);
if ($success === false) {
$this->warn("Failed creating target directory [$dir]. Closing appender.");
$this->closed = true;
return false;
As you see, I added some debug prints myself. The 93 line is the one with mkdir statement.
@florin problem is typo mistake in config.xml
<appender name="myAppender" class="LoggerAppenderFile">
<param name="file" value="/var/wwww/html/findmynumber/api/v1/logs/myLog.log"/>
it should be like this
/var/www/html/findmynumber/api/v1/logs/myLog.log. instead of www you kept wwww
this one you can check in this warning
<b>Warning</b>: log4php: [LoggerAppenderFile:myAppender]: Failed creating target directory [/var/wwww/html/findmynumber/api/v1/logs]. Closing appender. in