
Storing Images in Postgres DB Store RefineryCMS with Dragonfly

My application is a refineryCMS which is been hosted on the heroku server . I need to store the images on the postgres DB store. I got one gem dragonfly-activerecord , but not able to keep it on database . I tried:

Configure Dragonfly itself (in config/initializers/dragonfly.rb, typically):

require 'dragonfly-activerecord/store' do
 # ... your existing configuration here

We need to integrate this gem into refineryCMS.. If we can store images in database for cms that will be great help for host like heroku.


  • Here is a solution along with the dragonfly-activerecord fork . Just go to config/initializers/refinery/images.rb Here is a code to do it. First follow dragonfly-activerecord fork steps

    In Gemfile:

    gem 'dragonfly-activerecord' , git: "git://" and


    rails generate migration add_dragonfly_storage

    In the migration file add this code

    require 'dragonfly-activerecord/migration'
    class AddDragonflyStorage < ActiveRecord::Migration
      include Dragonfly::ActiveRecord::Migration

    Run rake db:migrate and add this code:

    # encoding: utf-8
    require 'dragonfly-activerecord/store'
    Refinery::Images.configure do |config|
      #...... Your configuration ....
      config.custom_backend_class = 'Dragonfly::ActiveRecord::Store'
      config.custom_backend_opts = {}
      #...... Your configuration ....

    This will change the whole system folder structure set into database. No need to any buckets .

    Keep in mind that this system is for those applications which has less images to store as it generates big chunks in db and it converts images on request time.