
How to getProgress of large files using XMLStreamReader

I am using below code to read large xml file (in GBs) in hadoop RecordReader using XMLStreamReader

public class RecordReader {
   int progressCouunt = 0;
   public RecordReader() {
    XMLInputFactory factory = XMLInputFactory.newInstance();
    FSDataInputStream fdDataInputStream =; //hdfs file
    try {
          reader = factory.createXMLStreamReader(fdDataInputStream);
    } catch (XMLStreamException exception) {
           throw new RuntimeException("XMLStreamException exception : ", exception);
  public float getProgress() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
     return progressCouunt; 

My question is how to get reading progress of the file with XMLStreamReader as it does not provide any start or end position to calculate the progress percentage. I have refered to How do I keep track of parsing progress of large files in StAX?, but cannot user filterReader. Please help me here.


  • You could wrap the InputStream by extending FilterInputStream.

    public interface InputStreamListener {
        void onBytesRead(long totalBytes);
    public class PublishingInputStream extends FilterInputStream {
        private final InputStreamListener;
        private long totalBytes = 0;
        public PublishingInputStream(InputStream in, InputStreamListener listener) {
           this.listener = listener;
        public int read(byte[] b) {
           int count =;
           this.totalBytes += count;
        // TODO: override the other read() methods


    XMLInputFactory factory = XMLInputFactory.newInstance();
    InputStream in =;
    final long fileSize = someHadoopService.getFileLength(file);
    InputStremListener listener = new InputStreamListener() {
        public void onBytesRead(long totalBytes) {
            System.out.println(String.format("Read %s of %s bytes", totalBytes, fileSize));
    InputStream publishingIn = new PublishingInputStream(in, listener);
    try {
        reader = factory.createXMLStreamReader(publishingIn);
        // etc