I am running VS2015 as Administrator.
I have deployed before with files in App_Data folder.
I have deployed this project many times to Azure with success.
After adding a .pdf file today in App_Data folder and attempting to deploy I get this error:
How do I get Azure to accept my file? I don't understand how permissions could be a problem now when nothing has changed.
For my project, this was the solution and the steps I took:
I have determined the error was caused by doing the following:
By using windows explorer, I copied the .pdf file into my App_Data folder. Afterwards, within my VS solution explorer, I clicked show all files, and then selected the shadowed out .pdf file. I right clicked and selected "Include in project".
To fix my problem:
I stayed within VS. I right clicked on the App_Data folder and selected "Add" > "Existing Item". Browsed to the .pdf file and hit enter. Next, I deployed to my Azure environment successfully.