I need some help...
I need to retrieve data from localstorage with ngStorage angular's plugin...
If I write
$localStorage.temp = [{ name: "Jhon", lastname: "Pitt"}];
var myVar = $localStorage.temp;
this is fine.... but If I write
var str = 'temp';
$localStorage.temp = [{ name: "Jhon", lastname: "Pitt"}];
var myVar = $localStorage.[str]; // this doesn't work
myVar = $localStorage.str; // this doesen't retrieve nothing cause there's no key 'str' in local storage
If I write this
var myVar = JSON.parse(window.localStorage.getItem(str));
It works, but I need to use $localStorage How can I solve the problem? I need it so much...
Try it in my working plunker
You were really close, but you had a syntax error on $localStorage.
var str = 'temp';
$localStorage.temp = [{ name: "Jhon", lastname: "Pitt"}];
var myVar = $localStorage[str]; // remove the .