
Kohana 3: Prevent a controller action which renders a sub-view from rendering if not called from approved controller

Let's say I have the domain

It has a default controller called 'account'.

This controller is based on a template, and creates a view using it's data, and the result of a couple of other controller's renderings.

Let's call the other controllers, 'game', and 'stats'.

These 'sub-controllers' call View::factory with their own model data, and then the whole thing is rendered for the user.

I don't want people to be able to enter in to the browser or and see the sub-controller's views rendered without the template of the main 'account' controller template.

What's the best way to do this, or adjust my structure to do it.


  • You can analize if your request main or its just a subrequest:

    public function before()
       if ($this->request === Request::instance()) 
           // its a main request, throw an exception or redirect
          // ok

    But if you want to use Ajax calls to update some blocks, you should add Request::$is_ajax check.