
How do I display the next month in a Microsoft Word field?

I'm needing to display the name of the month after the current month in a Word 2003 document.

It's fairly easy to display the current month:

{ DATE \@ "MMMM" }

At the time of this writing, this displays: September

What I'm wanting to display is October...and for the life of me I cannot work out what needs to be done.

I've been trying to follow the advice on addbalance but without much luck:

{ = { Date \@ "MMMM" } + 1 }

Does anyone know what command I need to write to be able to accomplish this seemingly simple task?


  • You can use a QUOTE field to do so. The documentation contains an example to show the previous month, which could be easily modified to show the next month:

    { QUOTE "1.{ IF { DATE \@ "M" }=12 "1" "{ = { DATE \@ "M" }+1} }.2010" \@ "MMMM"}

    Note that you probably need to change the format of the date generated by the IF field to match your current locale settings. The part { IF { DATE \@ "M" }=12 "1" "{ = { DATE \@ "M" }+1} } is used to get the next month and should be used to generate a complete (imaginary) date, e.g. 1.<nextmonth>.2010 or <nextmonth>/01/05.