index.html has a block containing the context from a view called init in the crudapp app.Index.html also has a block called sidebar_files which I trying to populate using an inclusion tag. I have created an inclusion tag in fileuploader/templatetags/,
from django.db import models
from .models import FileModel
from django import template
register = template.Library()
def file_sharing_sidebar():
file_model = FileModel.objects.all().reverse()
return {'file_model': file_model}
Also that directiory does contain an empty file (using double underscores). In the project template files I have the sidebar_files.html with the load tags,
{% load fileuploader_tags %}
{% block sidebar %}
{% for item in file_model %}
.... blah .....
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
The app is included in INSTALLED_APPS. My main index.html file used the fileuploader_tag and tries to use the sidebar_file.html template like this,
{% load staticfiles %}
{% load fileuploader_tags %}
{% block sidebar %} {% file_sharing_sidebar %}{% endblock %}
I have restarted the dev server. The error I get is,
Invalid template library specified. ImportError raised when trying to load 'fileuploader.templatetags.fileuploader_tags': No module named models
and specifically mentions this line from crudapp/
return render(request, 'forum.html', context)
and is specific to the main view called 'init' which sends its context to forum.html. This template is a block in index.html. Here is the 'init' view,
def init(request):
postModel = list(PostModel.objects.raw('SELECT *, max(pub_date), count(topic_id) AS freq, count(DISTINCT author) AS contributors FROM crudapp_postmodel GROUP BY topic_id ORDER BY pub_date DESC'))
paginator = Paginator(postModel, 8)
page2 = request.GET.get('page')
forum_model =
except PageNotAnInteger:
# If page is not an integer, deliver first page.
forum_model =
except EmptyPage:
# If page is out of range (e.g. 9999), deliver last page of results.
forum_model =
blogModel = BlogModel.objects.all().order_by('pub_date').reverse()
paginator = Paginator(blogModel, 5)
page = request.GET.get('blog')
blog_model =
except PageNotAnInteger:
# If page is not an integer, deliver first page.
blog_model =
except EmptyPage:
# If page is out of range (e.g. 9999), deliver last page of results.
blog_model =
# context = {'blog_model': blog_model}
totalposts = PostModel.objects.annotate(Count('post'))
totalusers = User.objects.annotate(Count('id'))
totalfiles = FileModel.objects.filter(approved=True).annotate(Count('upload'))
totalarticles = BlogModel.objects.filter(approved=True).annotate(Count('article'))
totalviews = TopicModel.objects.aggregate(numviews = Sum('views'))
# If there are topis with no posts the number of topics below will still be correct
totaltopics = PostModel.objects.aggregate(numtopics = Count('topic__id', distinct=True))
context = {'blog_model': blog_model, 'forum_model': forum_model, 'current_time':, 'totalarticles': totalarticles, 'totalfiles': totalfiles, 'totalposts': totalposts, 'totaltopics': totaltopics, 'totalusers': totalusers, 'totalviews': totalviews}
return render(request, 'forum.html', context)
I have used the inclusion tag before once, successfully, but can't get it to work here. Any help would be greatly appreciated,
As the error suggests, Python is failing to find a models
module. The problem is this line in your
from .models import FileModel
Which will try to look for a
in the same directory as the current file. Change it to:
from fileuploader.models import FileModel
(This assumes your app is called fileuploader
or, to use a relative path, assuming
is located in the same directory as templatetags/
from ..models import FileModel