I am developing a static analysis of Java Bytecode using the OPAL framework.
I currently need to change the structure of the code, to add some functionality.
This originated in a big method, of which I have to externalize a part into a separate method:
def singleCallUpperTypeBounds(
caller: Method,
pc: Int,
calleeDescriptor: MethodDescriptor,
project: Project[URL],
callGraph: CallGraph,
propertyStore: PropertyStore): Iterable[(Int, Set[FieldType])] = {
val classFile = project.classFile(caller)
val callDescriptor = caller.body.get.instructions(pc) match {
case INVOKEVIRTUAL(_, _, d) ⇒ d
case INVOKESPECIAL(_, _, d) ⇒ d
case INVOKESTATIC(_, _, d) ⇒ d
case INVOKEINTERFACE(_, _, d) ⇒ d
val analysisResult = if (!notClientCallable(caller, propertyStore) || worklist.contains(caller))
BaseAI.perform(classFile, caller, new DefaultDomain(project, classFile, caller))(None)
else {
val callerTypeMap = intermediateResult.getOrElse(caller, {
worklist = worklist.+:(caller)
val result = singleMethodUpperTypeBounds(caller, project, callGraph, propertyStore)
worklist = worklist.diff(Seq(caller))
//Create all combinations of the upper type bounds of the parameters.
//If a parameter is not in the TypeMap,
//e.g. because it is a primitive value, add it as a one element set.
val typeCombinations = allCombinations(caller.descriptor.parameterTypes.zipWithIndex.map {
case (t, index) =>
//TODO Use the type combinations
BaseAI.perform(classFile, caller, new DefaultDomain(project, classFile, caller))(None)
if (analysisResult.evaluatedInstructions.contains(pc))
for {
parameterIndex ← callDescriptor.parameterTypes.zipWithIndex.collect {
//we are not interested in primitive array types
case (t: ReferenceType, index) if {
//may be the case for sinature polymorphic methods
if (index >= calleeDescriptor.parametersCount) {
} else {
val expectedType = calleeDescriptor.parameterType(index)
!(expectedType.isArrayType && expectedType.asArrayType.elementType.isBaseType)
} ⇒ index
compileTimeType = callDescriptor.parameterType(parameterIndex)
stackIndex = (callDescriptor.parametersCount - 1) - parameterIndex
} yield {
val operand = analysisResult.operandsArray(pc)(stackIndex)
val runTimeTypes: Set[FieldType] = operand match {
case v: analysisResult.domain.SingleOriginReferenceValue ⇒
v.upperTypeBound.foldLeft(Set[FieldType]())((set, t) ⇒ set + t)
case analysisResult.domain.MultipleReferenceValues(singleOriginReferenceValues) ⇒
singleOriginReferenceValues.foldLeft(Set[FieldType]())((set, sorv) ⇒ set ++
sorv.upperTypeBound.foldLeft(Set[FieldType]())((s, t) ⇒ s + t))
(parameterIndex, runTimeTypes)
//If the call was not evaluated, it is on a dead path. So ignore this call.
else {
Set[(Int, Set[FieldType])]()
This is why I externalized the big if block at the end into a separate method:
def evaluateAIResult(
analysisResult: AIResult,
pc: Int,
calleeDescriptor: MethodDescriptor,
callDescriptor: MethodDescriptor): Iterable[(Int, Set[FieldType])] = {
if (analysisResult.evaluatedInstructions.contains(pc))
for {
parameterIndex ← callDescriptor.parameterTypes.zipWithIndex.collect {
//we are not interested in primitive array types
case (t: ReferenceType, index) if {
//may be the case for sinature polymorphic methods
if (index >= calleeDescriptor.parametersCount) {
} else {
val expectedType = calleeDescriptor.parameterType(index)
!(expectedType.isArrayType && expectedType.asArrayType.elementType.isBaseType)
} ⇒ index
compileTimeType = callDescriptor.parameterType(parameterIndex)
stackIndex = (callDescriptor.parametersCount - 1) - parameterIndex
} yield {
val operand = analysisResult.operandsArray(pc)(stackIndex)
val runTimeTypes: Set[FieldType] = operand match {
case v: analysisResult.domain.SingleOriginReferenceValue ⇒
v.upperTypeBound.foldLeft(Set[FieldType]())((set, t) ⇒ set + t)
case analysisResult.domain.MultipleReferenceValues(singleOriginReferenceValues) ⇒
singleOriginReferenceValues.foldLeft(Set[FieldType]())((set, sorv) ⇒ set ++
sorv.upperTypeBound.foldLeft(Set[FieldType]())((s, t) ⇒ s + t))
(parameterIndex, runTimeTypes)
//If the call was not evaluated, it is on a dead path. So ignore this call.
else {
Set[(Int, Set[FieldType])]()
For any reason, I now get some errors for these lines in Scala IDE:
case v: analysisResult.domain.SingleOriginReferenceValue ⇒
v.upperTypeBound.foldLeft(Set[FieldType]())((set, t) ⇒ set + t)
case analysisResult.domain.MultipleReferenceValues(singleOriginReferenceValues) ⇒
singleOriginReferenceValues.foldLeft(Set[FieldType]())((set, sorv) ⇒ set ++
sorv.upperTypeBound.foldLeft(Set[FieldType]())((s, t) ⇒ s + t))
The error messages are the following:
type SingleOriginReferenceValue is not a member of org.opalj.ai.Domain
value MultipleReferenceValues is not a member of org.opalj.ai.Domain
Before I externalized this if-block into a separate method, these error messages did not occur. Changing these lines to
case v: SingleOriginReferenceValue ⇒
v.upperTypeBound.foldLeft(Set[FieldType]())((set, t) ⇒ set + t)
case MultipleReferenceValues(singleOriginReferenceValues) ⇒
singleOriginReferenceValues.foldLeft(Set[FieldType]())((set, sorv) ⇒ set ++
sorv.upperTypeBound.foldLeft(Set[FieldType]())((s, t) ⇒ s + t))
and doing the imports import org.opalj.ai.domain.l1.ReferenceValues.SingleOriginReferenceValue import org.opalj.ai.domain.l1.ReferenceValues.MultipleReferenceValues also does not help.
Can anyone tell me, what's going wrong here?
In this case you need to specify (for the helper) that you require an AIResult with a specific type of a domain. (OPAL-AI makes heavy use of so-called path-dependent types.)
The following change of the signature of the helper method should help:
def evaluateAIResult(
analysisResult: AIResult { val domain: l1.DefaultDomain /*or whatever your domain requirements are*/},
pc: Int,
calleeDescriptor: MethodDescriptor,
callDescriptor: MethodDescriptor): Iterable[(Int, Set[FieldType])] = {...