I'm using Meteor, but would like to use some vanilla javascript/HTML code that uses the html template element.
When I try to include one inside a meteor template:
<template name="test2">
<template id="test3">Some stuff i will clone in javascript</template>
Meteor displays the following error:
While processing files with templating (for target web.browser):
client/index.html:153: Expected one of: <body>, <head>, <template>
Is there a way to include these in a Meteor template? I am aware I can include them within the body tag but its a bit unwieldy.
Use a helper
In a client side .js file
Template.registerHelper('vanillaTemplate', () => {
return '<template id="test3">Some stuff i will clone in javascript</template>'
In a client side .html file
<template name="test2">
{{> vanillaTemplate}}