
Spring Boot app with embedded init.d script not starting on reboot

Spring Boot has a handy feature that it will embed an init.d starup script into an executable jar if you configure the maven plugin to do so:

So I am "installing" a Spring Boot app (executable fat jar) as a service in Centos 6.6 using the above method.

So far so good. I create a link to my jar and set the permissions:

sudo ln -s  /path/to/myapp.jar  /etc/init.d/my-service
sudo chmod 0755 /etc/init.d/my-service

And I can successfully start the application:

sudo service my-service start

However, I want the app to come up on startup, so I use the chkconfig utility:

sudo chkconfig --add my-service
sudo chkconfig my-service on

No errors with those commands, but when I reboot Centos the service does not auto-start. running:

sudo service my-service status


Not running


chkconfig --list my-service


my-service      0:off   1:off   2:on    3:on    4:on    5:on    6:off

Everything looks good, but it's not starting. At this point I can manually start the service with "sudo service my-service start" and it comes back up, but it's not auto-starting on boot.

Any ideas? Thanks


  • Problem solved. Turned out to be a path issue and my fault. The path where the application lived was a mounted directory that was not available at boot time.