
Using cscope to browse Python code with VIM?

Has anyone managed successfully using cscope with Python code? I have VIM 7.2 and the latest version of cscope installed, however it doesn't get my code's tags correctly (always off by a couple of lines). I tried the pycscope script but its output isn't supported by the modern version of cscope.

Any ideas? Or an alternative for browsing Python code with VIM? (I'm specifically interested in the extra features cscope offers beyond the simple tags of ctags)


    1. From a correspondence with the maintainer of cscope, this tool isn't designed to work with Python, and there are no plans to implement that compatibility. Whatever works now, apparently works by mistake, and there is no promise whatsoever that it will keep working.
    2. It appears I've been using an out-of-date version of pycscope. The latest version 0.3 is supported by the cscope DB. The author of pycscope told me that he figured out the output format for the cscope DB from reading the source code of cscope. That format isn't documented, on purpose, but nevertheless it currently works with pycsope 0.3, which is the solution I'll be using.

    I'm going to accept this answer since unfortunately no other answer provided help even after bounty was declared. No answers are upvoted, so I honestly have no idea where the bounty will go.