
Is boost::signals2 overkill for simple applications?

In an environment restricted to C++03,boost::signals2 was used alongside boost::function and boost::bind to implement a simple messaging system between components. It works great and I have no problems with it whatsoever.

However, in another environment where C++11 is supported fully, is boost::signals2 overkill for very simple applications?

To clarify, by simple I mean the following:

Performance is key in this application, so all the wonders of boost::signals2 that the application doesn't need could be doing more harm than good.

Right now, there is simply an std::vector<std::function> handling this, and switching over to something else such as boost::signals2 would be very simple to do if it was deemed suitable.


  • I recently came across the same question for a project with similar simple requirements and did some research that I'd like to share here.

    My main interest was in the overhead of boost::signals2 compared to a simple vector-of-callback-functions implementation. Finally I did some more research as shown in the following table:

        Benchmark                                       Duration (normalized)
        Direct function call                            1
        Function pointer call                           1
        Virtual function call                           1
        std::function call                              1.5
        std::vector<std::function> call                 2
        boost::signals signal invocation                78
        boost::signals2 signal invocation (dummy mutex) 43
        boost::signals2 signal invocation               92

    The measurements have been taken on a Ubuntu 15.04 with gcc 4.9.2, optimization -O2, Boost v1.55. Because the absolute values might well be meaningless outside of my box the values are normalized. More recent versions of Boost might well be faster.

    My conclusion would be: If performance is critical and you don't need thread safety (or other advanced features) reconsider using boost::signals2.

    If you want to reproduce the measures on your machine the code is available here.