I'm using swift array as output buffer for a function that takes a pointer and fills it, like this:
var buffer : [Int32] = ...
This works fine, the problem is that compiler is complaining that Variable 'buffer' was never mutated; consider changing to 'let' constant
, which I don't want to do as I'm pretty sure it was mutated in my fill function.
So, is there a way to silence it? (I could just do some dummy set, but I'd prefer to do it properly).
Edit: As requested complete example code that shows the problem (c is not even necessary):
class ViewController: UIViewController {
func fill(sth: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int32>) {
sth[0] = 7
override func viewDidLoad() {
var array = [Int32].init(count: 10, repeatedValue: 0)
However, the solution was already posted. In simplest form:
Usually you need to have specify buffer size. And in this case I prefer following solution:
let bufferSize = 1000
var buffer = [Int32](count: bufferSize, repeatedValue: 0)