I'm using the libconfig to create an configuration file and one of the fields is a content of a encrypted file. The problem occurs because in the file have some escapes characters that causes a partial storing of the content. What is the best way to store this data to avoid accidental escapes caracter ? Convert to unicode? Any suggestion?
You can use either URL encoding, where each non-ASCII character is encoded as a %
character followed by two hex digits, or you case use base64 encoding, where each set of 3 bytes is encoded to 4 ASCII characters (3x8 bits -> 4x6 bits).
For example, if you have the following bytes:
00 01 41 31 80 FE
You can URL encode it as follows:
Or you can base64 encode it like this, with 0-25 = A-Z, 26-51 = a-z, 52-62 = 0-9, 62 = ., 63 = /:
(00000000 00000001 01000001) (00110001 10000000 11111110) -->
(000000 000000 000101 000001) (001100 011000 000011 111110)