
How to update an object or bail if it has been deleted in Django

I have a Django app saving objects to the database and a celery task that periodically does some processing on some of those objects. The problem is that the user can delete an object after it has been selected by the celery task for processing, but before the celery task has actually finished processing and saving it. So when the celery task does call .save(), the object re-appears in the database even though the user deleted it. Which is really spooky for users, of course.

So here's some code showing the problem:

def my_delete_view(request, pk):
    thing = Thing.objects.get(pk=pk)
    return HttpResponseRedirect('yay')

def my_periodic_task():
    things = get_things_for_processing()
    # if the delete happens anywhere between here and the .save(), we're hosed
    for thing in things:
        process_thing(thing) # could take a LONG time

I thought about trying to fix it by adding an atomic block and a transaction to test if the object actually exists before saving it:

def my_periodic_task():
    things = Thing.objects.filter(...some criteria...)
    for thing in things:
        process_thing(thing) # could take a LONG time
            with transaction.atomic():
                # just see if it still exists:
                unused = Thing.objects.select_for_update().get(
                # no exception means it exists. go ahead and save the
                # processed version that has all of our updates.
         except Thing.DoesNotExist:
             logger.warning("Processed thing vanished")

Is this the correct pattern to do this sort of thing? I mean, I'll find out if it works within a few days of running it in production, but it would be nice to know if there are any other well-accepted patterns for accomplishing this sort of thing.

What I really want is to be able to update an object if it still exists in the database. I'm ok with the race between user edits and edits from the process_thing, and I can always throw in a refresh_from_db just before the process_thing to minimize the time during which user edits would be lost. But I definitely can't have objects re-appearing after the user has deleted them.


  • For now, it seems like the pattern of "select again atomically, then save" is sufficient:

    def my_periodic_task():
        things = Thing.objects.filter(...some criteria...)
        for thing in things:
            process_thing(thing) # could take a LONG time
                with transaction.atomic():
                    # just see if it still exists:
                    unused = Thing.objects.select_for_update().get(
                    # no exception means it exists. go ahead and save the
                    # processed version that has all of our updates.
             except Thing.DoesNotExist:
                 logger.warning("Processed thing vanished")

    (this is the same code as in my original question).