I wish to make a new Pedestal interceptor to be run during the leave stage. I wish to modify the context to add a token string to the base of each html page (for use in 'site alive' reporting).
From the Pedestal source code here I see this function:
(defn after
"Return an interceptor which calls `f` on context during the leave
([f] (interceptor {:leave f}))
([f & args]
(let [[n f args] (if (fn? f)
[nil f args]
[f (first args) (rest args)])]
(interceptor {:name (interceptor-name n)
:leave #(apply f % args)}))))
So I need to provide it with a function which will then be inserted into the interceptor map. That makes sense. However, how can I write this function making reference to the context when 'context' is not in scope?
I wish to do something like:
...[io.pedestal.interceptor.helpers :as h]...
(defn my-token-interceptor []
(fn [ctx]
(assoc ctx :response {...}))))
But 'ctx' is not in scope? Thanks.
the after
doc is clear on this.
(defn after
"Return an interceptor which calls `f` on context during the leave
your f
will receive context
as its first argument. You can access context
inside f
by using f
's first argument.
below is a sample of a f
function: token-function
, that will be supplied to h/after
and because h/after
returns interceptor, I create a 'my-token-interceptor' by calling h/after
with token-function
...[io.pedestal.interceptor.helpers :as h]...
(defn token-function
(assoc ctx :response {}))
(def my-token-interceptor (h/after token-function))
;; inside above token-function, ctx is pedestal `context`