
How to read depot's folders structure by p4python without syncing?

I'd like to read folders and files structure inside a specified folder path on the P4 depot without syncing it. Is it possible?


  • To get subfolders of specified depot path one should use this code"dirs", path+'*')

    The result will be a list of single-item dictionaries

    [{'dir': '//Depot/path/dirname1'}, {'dir': '//Depot/path/dirname2'}]

    In order to get all files contained within specified depot path one should use:"files", path+'*')

    The result will be a list of dictionaries one for each file:

    [{'rev': '1', 'time': '1465999632', 'action': 'add', 'type': 'text', 'depotFile': '//Depot/path/dirname1/filename.txt', 'change': '999999'}]

    Also please note that specified path must end with a slash /

    Thanks to @SilentMonk @BryanPendleton for giving me hints