Does anyone know how to make File:Find can search through symlink directory?
I have a real directory at
and a symlink directory inside
/home/alex/mydir1/test -> ../mydir2
Here is my code:
use strict;
use File::Find qw(find);
my $path = "/home/alex/mydir1";
find(\&Search,follow => 1, $path);
sub Search{
my $path = $File::Find::name;
print $path."\n";
And the result is:
Why it's not search through /home/alex/mydir2 and print out every files inside ? Can anyone show me how to do that ?
Thank you and best regards.
A close look at the documentation for File::Find reveals the error: You have passed a key-value list of parameters instead of a reference to a hash of parameters.
# Incorrect: looks like find(@params)
# asks find to search the list of paths:
# ( 'follow', 1, $path )
find(\&Search,follow => 1, $path);
# Correct: looks like find(\%params)
find({ wanted => \&process, follow => 1 }, $path);