Is it possible to hide the native close,maximize and minimize button and the surrounding edges of the window that holdes an awesomium application..
I am looking for a way to design nice close,maximize and minimize button within the html document will do the function of the native buttons to be hidden.
here are my c++ codes
// Inherited from Application::Listener
virtual void OnLoaded() {
view_ = View::Create(500, 300);
WebURL url(WSLit("file:///C:/Users/awesomium/Documents/app.html"));
contents of my html file is below
<h1>Hello World</h1>
<script type="text/javascript">
document.write("You are running Awesomium " + awesomium.version);
Note: I am pretty new to awesomium and c++ (in a sense)..making this simple will be great!.
You control the traits of the created Windows window by setting the dwStyle property in the call to CreateWindow.
I used the Awesomium Tutorial 2 (
Locate the ViewWin(int width, int height) constructor and edit the call to the CreateWindow. The following example creates a window with no borders nor a caption.
hwnd_ = CreateWindow(
width + 20,
height + 40,
When I tried it I got a problem with the WndProc being called pre-maturely (the view-pointer still NULL) so I added a quick fix to make the application run.
LRESULT CALLBACK WndProc(HWND hWnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) {
case WM_SIZE:
if (view == NULL) return 0; // Quick fix to not call view until it is fully initialized
view->web_view()->Resize(LOWORD(lParam), HIWORD(lParam));
This may not be the way to go and you can probably figure something better out? The created window looks like the following:
I hope this will get you on track to get your application to work as you like it to?