I try to get value after symbol '@' and count it. But this code doesn't give the correct result. How to fix it?
$t="Hi, I invite @nina and @nana to come to my party tomorow";
$arr=explode(' ', $t);
foreach($arr as $user ) {
$result=strstr($user, '@');
$total = $count($result);
echo $total;
Result = 1
Expected Result =2
Why don't you explode it with @?
$t = "Hi, I invite @nina and @nana to come to my party tomorow";
$arr = explode('@', $t);
$total = count($arr) - 1;
echo $total;
EDIT: As suggested by @mickmackusa, if you want to avoid counting solitary @, you can count those on the side and then subtract.
$t = "Hi, I invite @nina and @nana to come to my party tomorow";
$arr = explode('@', $t);
$solos = explode('@ ', $t);
$total = count($arr) - 1 - count($solos);
echo $total;