On my current project, we are using properties files for strings. Those strings are then "formatted" using MessageFormat. Unfortunately, MessagFormat has a handling of single quotes that becomes a bit of a hindrance in languages, such as French, which use a lot of apostrophes.
For instance, suppose we have this entry
login.userUnknown=User {0} does not exist
When this gets translated into French, we get:
login.userUnknown=L'utilisateur {0} n'existe pas
This, MessageFormat does not like...
And I, do not like the following, i.e. having to use double quotes:
login.userUnknown=L''utilisateur {0} n''existe pas
The reason I don't like it is that it causes spellchecking errors everywhere.
Question: I am looking for an alternative to the instruction below, an alternative that does not need doubling quotes but still uses positional placeholders ({0}, {1}ā¦). Is there anything else that can I use?
MessageFormat.format(Messages.getString("login.userUnkown"), username);
No there is no other way as it is how we are supposed to do it according to the javadoc.
A single quote itself must be represented by doubled single quotes '' throughout a String
As workaround, what you could do is doing it programmatically using replace("'", "''")
or for this particular use case you could use the apostrophe character instead which is ā
it would be even more correct actually than using a single quote.