
How to determine background app come to foreground in action of tapping local notification

Apple doc Getting the User’s Attention While in the Background says

Notifications are a way for an app that is suspended, is in the background, or is not running to get the user’s attention.

My app is waked by iOS because of region monitoring and is in the background and post a local notification. User tap the notification and app will be in foreground.

How to determine app comes in foreground because of notification tapped by user?

Which delegate method will contains the notification information.

didFinishLaunchingWithOption or didReceiveLocalNotification


  • If you your app running in background and you are tapped on LocalNotification Banner then you will get called following method:

    -(void) application:(UIApplication *)application didReceiveLocalNotification:(UILocalNotification *)notification

    after iOS 8:

    - (void)application:(UIApplication *)application handleActionWithIdentifier:(NSString *)identifier forLocalNotification:(UILocalNotification *)notification completionHandler:(void(^)())completionHandler

    if app is not running in background you will get notification at:

    - (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions
    if ([launchOptions valueForKey:@"UIApplicationLaunchOptionsLocalNotificationKey"]) {
     // here you will get