
Python pptx (Power Point) Find and replace text (ctrl + H)

Question in Short: How can I use the find and replace option (Ctrl+H) using the Python-pptx module?

Example Code:

from pptx import Presentation

nameOfFile = "NewPowerPoint.pptx" #Replace this with: path name on your computer + name of the new file.

def open_PowerPoint_Presentation(oldFileName, newFileName):
    prs = Presentation(oldFileName)
open_PowerPoint_Presentation('Template.pptx', nameOfFile)

I have a Power Point document named "Template.pptx". With my Python program I am adding some slides and putting some pictures in them. Once all the pictures are put into the document it saves it as another power point presentation.

The problem is that this "Template.pptx" has all the old week numbers in it, Like "Week 20". I want to make Python find and replace all these word combinations to "Week 25" (for example).


  • You would have to visit each slide on each shape and look for a match using the available text features. It might not be pretty because PowerPoint has a habit of splitting runs up into what may seem like odd chunks. It does this to support features like spell checking and so forth, but its behavior there is unpredictable.

    So finding the occurrences with things like Shape.text will probably be the easy part. Replacing them without losing any font formatting they have might be more difficult, depending on the particulars of your situation.