
Google App Engine; is it possible to change scaling configuration at runtime without redeploying the app?

For applications deployed on Google App Engine, is it possible to change the scaling configuration at runtime without redeploying the app?

Changing the appengine-web.xml and redeploying is an option, however was wondering if this can be done through the console.


  • Is it not possible at this time to change the scaling configuration of your appengine-web.xml or app.yaml without redeploying the module/service.

    The most control over scaling one can have at runtime is with the ModulesService. With this, one can determine the number of instances currently running of a given module-version and can start/stop a given module-version using the startVersion and stopVersion methods. Though quite limited, you are granted some control.

    If appengine-web.xml/app.yaml configuration at runtime is a feature you would like to see implemented, feel free to file a feature request on the App Engine public issue tracker provided a thorough business case.