
What's in scope inside a BizTalk Expression shape?

Inside a BizTalk Expression shape, I'm presented a blank text editor with some crude "examples" above, mocking me. "It's so easy" they chant. Try as I might, I'm just not making the connection. Maybe I'm over thinking it. I'm a BizTalk newbie. Coming from many years of heavy .NET and software engineering experience, my think doesn't seem to brain...

Would someone with great BizTalk experience enlighten me on this question: What is in scope and available for use inside the Expression shape? And subsequently, the MessageAssignment shape as well?

By scope, I mean like in real programming: Variable names, namespaces, etc.

Every example I see on BizTalk assumes you understand where these things come from. For instance, see this MSDN page: Using Distinguished Fields and Property Fields

It assumes I know where "MyMessage" is created, instanced, and accessible. I have no clue where to initialize it, what shape identifier to give a name, etc.

My design seems simple: When an error occurs, catch it, create an ErrorMessage out of thin air, assign string value to a distinguished field "Reason", and send to a send port. I can get everything but the expression right.

Any expert insight is greatly appreciated.


  • You can only create a message inside a Construct Message shape and then either Map or an Assignment shape in side that. You can NOT construct a message in an expression shape.

    Map option

    For a map in an Exception block, the only messages you can map from are those that were created before the scope that the Exception block is in. So for an exception block for the whole Orchestration I map from the message received in the initial activating receive (which should be before the scope) and too the error message schema. Then you can have a message assignment in the Construct shape after the map.

    Note: This initial received message is the only one you will be certain of having in an Orchestration if the scope covers all but the Initial Receive. I have only had it once in an edge case involving a badly formatted MIME message that caused the Orchestration to start up but not have this initial message.

    Non map options

    Creating it without a map using only a Assignment shape you either

    1. need to call an external class e.g. The ESB Fault handling eSBFault = Microsoft.Practices.ESB.ExceptionHandling.ExceptionMgmt.CreateFaultMessage(); where eSBFault is defined as Message Type Microsoft.Practices.ESB.ExceptionHandling.Schemas.Faults.FaultMessage
    2. Assign it from another existing message e.g. xTempDoc= wcfFault.fault; where in this example wcFault is the Exception Object Name set in the Catch Exception and xTempDoc is a Variable of type of System.Xml.XmlDocument that is then assigned to a message variable.

    3. Manually create the message e.g below from creating a new message in the Message Assign shape


    xmlDocMessage = new System.Xml.XmlDocument();

    Creating a Message variable

    For all of the above you need to go into the Orchestration view and create a Message variable of that name of the message and set it to the Message Type of the message you want to construct. It needs to be in the scope where you are constructing it or a an enclosing scope. Note: It will only be available in the scope where you define it or an child scope of the scope where it is defined.

    enter image description here

    Other limitations of the Expression Shape

    For other limitations of the Expression shape see Requirements and Limitations for Expressions