
Custom Input Mappings JSON : Could not find any matches for the incoming event with JSONPath

I have an event receiver with custom input mapping as my event format was a little different. It has no meta or correlation attributes. Example is:

{ "ts":"2016-05-08T08:59:47.363764Z",
  "server":"SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_6.6.1p1 Ubuntu-2ubuntu2.6",

There is no newline, I have added to make it readable. Accordingly I created an event receiver with a custom input mapping :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<eventReceiver name="sshlogreceiver" statistics="disable"
trace="disable" xmlns="http://wso2.org/carbon/eventreceiver">
<from eventAdapterType="http">
    <property name="transports">all</property>
<mapping customMapping="enable" type="json">
        <from jsonPath="$.ts"/>
        <to name="ts" type="string"/>
        <from jsonPath="$.uid"/>
        <to name="uid" type="string"/>
        <from jsonPath="$.id.orig_h"/>
        <to name="id_orig_h" type="string"/>
        <from jsonPath="$.id.orig_p"/>
        <to name="id_orig_p" type="int"/>
        <from jsonPath="$.id.resp_h"/>
        <to name="id_resp_h" type="string"/>
        <from jsonPath="$.id.resp_p"/>
        <to name="id_resp_p" type="int"/>
        <from jsonPath="$.version"/>
        <to name="version" type="int"/>
        <from jsonPath="$.client"/>
        <to name="client" type="string"/>
        <from jsonPath="$.server"/>
        <to name="server" type="string"/>
        <from jsonPath="$.cipher_alg"/>
        <to name="cipher_alg" type="string"/>
        <from jsonPath="$.mac_alg"/>
        <to name="mac_alg" type="string"/>
        <from jsonPath="$.compression_alg"/>
        <to name="compression_alg" type="string"/>
        <from jsonPath="$.kex_alg"/>
        <to name="kex_alg" type="string"/>
        <from jsonPath="$.host_key_alg"/>
        <to name="host_key_alg" type="string"/>
        <from jsonPath="$.host_key"/>
        <to name="host_key" type="string"/>
<to streamName="SSHInStream" version="1.0.0"/>

The sample event of input stream is :

"event": {
    "payloadData": {
        "ts": "data5",
        "uid": "data5",
        "id_orig_h": "data1",
        "id_orig_p": 70,
        "id_resp_h": "data3",
        "id_resp_p": 4,
        "version": 50,
        "client": "data1",
        "server": "data2",
        "cipher_alg": "data5",
        "mac_alg": "data3",
        "compression_alg": "data3",
        "kex_alg": "data4",
        "host_key_alg": "data4",
        "host_key": "data4"

I dont have event and payload tags in my events as it is a simple log file. When I try to send events, I got an error on console saying :


{org.wso2.carbon.event.receiver.core.internal.type.json.JSONInputMapper} -  Could not find any matches for the incoming event with JSONPath : com.jayway.jsonpath.JsonPath@543abe49 ,hence dropping the event

Have I done custom input mapping wrong or what else I need to do?


  • The reason for that error was the presence of dots (.) in my event's parameters. As soon as I replaced them with the other character, in my case i chose underscores, it worked fine.