I am trying to create a script that does text mining (tm) combining property and action controls with TERR.
I have run my script successfully in open-source R but keep getting an error in TERR. I have narrowed down the function causing the error to VCorpus, part of the tm package. Here is the portion of the script causing errors:
myinput <- do.call(paste, c(as.list(col1), sep=" "))
Col1 is a document property (string) based on selection from property control drop down list.
b <- VCorpus(VectorSource(myinput), readerControl = list(language = 'eng'))
... and the error message I get in TERR is:
TIBCO Enterprise Runtime for R returned an error: 'Error in getS3method("pGetElem", class(x), TRUE) : 'name' must be a single string'.
Got a solution from Tibco developers community
Answer: You will not face this error if you use TERR 4.1.
There was a bug which got fixed in version 4.1
Reference :
TERR-6049 The getS3method function now works when the class argument is of