here is the structure of my war file.
just before deployment of this war to tomcat, Ops team will need to update the file.
I prefer not to explode. but just to update the war and leave for tomcat to explode during start up
I tried this
jar uvf MyApp.war /var/data/prod/
After I executed this command, I see a new file being added at root level of MyApp.war. but I want WEB-INF/classes/
to be replaced this one. How can I do it.
I don't believe that it is the good approach anyway, you should externalize your configuration file as it will change from one env to another, so it should not be part of your archive. You should adapt your code to be able to read the configuration of your application from an external folder. Your Ops team will then have the same war
to deploy on all env instead of one per env, which is much less error prone.