Overriding Application_PreRequestHandlerExecute

I have inherited an application which uses Application_PreRequestHandlerExecute to redirect to login if the session has expired.

Currently there is a list of hard-coded urls which should not invoke a redirect. Essentially, these are ajax methods which return json, so they are dealt with separately in javascript.

I would like to change the mechanism so that the default (in Application_PreRequestHandlerExecute) remains the same but alternative behaviour can be controlled by ActionFilters on the appropriate Actions (i.e. those corresponding to the hard-coded list of urls).

How do I check for the presence of the particular ActionFilter in Application_PreRequestHandlerExecute?

EDIT: Perhaps I need to replace Application_PreRequestHandlerExecute with a Global Action Filter?


  • The short answer is to replace with a global Action Filter.

    Within that, filterContext has everything that I need.

    EDIT: This is the gist of what I went for:

    public enum SessionExpiredBehaviour
    public class SessionExpiredFilterAttribute : ActionFilterAttribute
        public SessionExpiredBehaviour Behaviour { get; set; } = SessionExpiredBehaviour.Redirect;
        public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
            if (HttpContext.Current.Session["User"] == null)
                switch (this.Behaviour)
                    case SessionExpiredBehaviour.Redirect:
                        filterContext.Result =
                            new RedirectToRouteResult(new RouteValueDictionary
                                { "action", "RedirectToLogin" },
                                { "controller", "Account" }
                    case SessionExpiredBehaviour.JSON: