I have following function:
func myNSLog(_ givenFormat: String, _ args: CVarArg..., _ function:String = #function) {
let format = "\(function): \(givenFormat)"
NSLog(format, args)
Which results in the following error:
'NSLog' has been explicitly marked unavailable here (Foundation.NSLog)
Within the documentation is it explicit listed as available. What do I miss?
Similar as in C, you cannot pass a variable argument list directly
to another function. You have to create a CVaListPointer
(the Swift
equivalent of va_list
) and pass that to the NSLogv
func myNSLog(_ givenFormat: String, _ args: CVarArg..., _ function:String = #function) {
let format = "\(function): \(givenFormat)"
withVaList(args) { NSLogv(format, $0) }
(Swift 3 code.)