We are customising the Request Tracker (RT) ticketing tool. We want to add certain extra filters to the values returned from SimpleSearch
subroutine in RT::Users
Following Hook::Lexwrap code we have written to access the return value and the arguments from the above subroutine.
package RT::Users;
use strict;
use Hook::LexWrap;
wrap 'SimpleSearch' =>
post=> sub {
RT::Logger->info("accessing return value here $_[-1]");
RT::Logger->info("I got the arguments in post: [@_]");
Following is the output:
accessing return value here (/opt/requestTracker/sbin/../local/lib/RT/Users_Local.pm:6)
I am not able to understand why an empty value exists in $_[-1].
Following is the text quoted from http://search.cpan.org/~ether/Hook-LexWrap-0.25/lib/Hook/LexWrap.pm
"In a post-wrapper, $_[-1] contains the return value produced by the wrapped subroutine. In a scalar return context, this value is the scalar return value. In an list return context, this value is a reference to the array of return values. $_[-1] may be assigned to in a post-wrapper, and this changes the return value accordingly."
How can I access the return value from the original subroutine? Any help is appreciated. Thanks
I tested the example code from Hook::LexWrap perldoc and found that $_[-1] is undefined only when wrapped subroutine is called in a void context. So, make sure that you assign return value from your subroutine to some variable.