
CXF UsernameToken Issue

I'm trying to add an UsernameToken wss header to my ws Client. The client implements and has been generated through WSDL2Java CFX 3.1.4

Since the wsdl contains

<wsp:Policy xmlns:wsu="" xmlns:wsse="" xmlns:wsp="" xmlns:sp="" wsu:Id="UsernameTokenPolicy">



Usernametoken header must be added. Searching a bit I've found out that this is simple as

((BindingProvider)soapClient).getRequestContext().put("ws-security.username", usr);
((BindingProvider)soapClient).getRequestContext().put("ws-security.password", psw);

By the way when I try to perform a call I get the following error:

These policy alternatives can not be satisfied: 
{}UsernameToken: Password hashing policy not enforced

Any advice? Thank you.

P.S. I've already checked for similar post in stack overflow, but if I try a differente approach like the one suggested here I got a different error:

Interceptor for XXXX has thrown exception, unwinding now No username available


  • As the cxf-documentation states

    From Apache CXF 3.1.0, the WS-SecurityPolicy and the XML Security (JAX-RS) components in CXF share a common set of configuration tags.

    So you shouldn't use ws-security.username and ws-security.password but security.username and security.password

    Also be sure that cxf-rt-ws-policy and cxf-rt-ws-security modules are available on the classpath so ws-policy will automatically be enabled, thus taking care of hashing the password, i.e. calculate the correct password digest.